- Empowering Generations of Men to BELIEVE in Advocacy, Community Service, and Engagement
- (206) 228-1176
The mission of our International Education Program for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. is to empower equality and form strategic partnerships that develop our next generation of leaders.
Rainier Beach
Banking and Finance
March 22nd, 2022
On 3/22/22 members of Epsilon Epsilon Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. in Seattle Washington donated 80 African American-themed books to Dunlap and South Shore elementary schools in Seattle. The members of the Epsilon Epsilon Sigma Chapter were greeted by the Principals and staff with open arms at each elementary. Principal Tonie Talbert, of Dunlap, stated " we are so thankful to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity for bringing these great books for our students because reading goes a long way through life". One of our Great Fraternity goals is to assure that equal educational opportunities exist for all community members and as a foundational principle call for all Fraternity, chapters to be advocates on all levels of education from elementary to college.
This is just one of the many ways in helping reach our Fraternity's educational goals.
#phibetasigma #seattlesigmas #pbs1914
Although the principal focus of private offerings of securities is often compliance with, or meeting requirement for exemptions from, federal and state securities laws, securities laws are applicable in many other business transactions as well, including mergers and acquisitions and the formation of new ventures.
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