Formed in 1934, the Social Action program was conceived by Bro. Elmo M. Anderson to focus on improving the general wellbeing of disenfranchised people. The mission of the International Social Action Program is to encourage social, political and philanthropic leadership which strengthens our respective communities and our membership by:

  • Educating fraternity members on health issues affecting them and their families
  • Increasing visibility and sense of self-worth by/through serving in the community
  • Providing education/information about political and community issues, and increasing awareness of the legislative process
  • Involving the membership in fund raising activities that support organizations sharing our vision
  • Promoting health awareness to encourage prevention of health challenges and promote health maintenance

Social Action Initiatives:

Living Well Brother-To-Brother

Project Vote


For information please visit our IHQ.

Anybody who suspects child abuse has a legal obligation to report their concerns...

Our law firm’s approach is to thoroughly understand a client's business and future objectives so that our securities lawyers can better advise each client as well as to help ensure that any disclosure documents are accurate and complete.

How a Data Protection Attorney Can Help you Get Charges Dismissed

At our law firm the securities attorneys understand that there is a difference between simply assisting a client with drafting offering and disclosure documents and helping to guide the business owners and other key individuals.

Opportunities and relationships that can help them to achieve their goals; thus our attorneys are able to leverage their knowledge and contacts to identify people and businesses that can help clients to grow their businesses.

Specializing Attorneys on this Area

Dereck Cook

Senior Associate

Ryan Mulenga

Senior Associate

Kush Doshi

Senior Associate

our securities lawyers can better advise each client as well as to help ensure that any disclosure documents are accurate and complete at our law firm the securities attorneys understand that there is a difference.

our securities lawyers can better advise each client as well as to help ensure that any disclosure documents are accurate and complete at our law firm the securities attorneys understand that there is a difference.

our securities lawyers can better advise each client as well as to help ensure that any disclosure documents are accurate and complete at our law firm the securities attorneys understand that there is a difference.

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